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American ML Archive

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Revision as of 22:38, 9 August 2023 by mh:aamlwiki>ComradePancake


Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are the primary theoreticians of Marxism, Communism and Scientific Socialism.

Collected Works

Marx/Engels Collected Works (also known as MECW) is the largest existing collection of English translations of many of the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It contains publications by Marx and Engels released during their lifetimes, many unpublished manuscripts of Marx's economic writings, and extensive correspondence. The Collected Works, 50 volumes, was compiled and issued from 1975 to 2004 by Progress Publishers (1931, Moscow) in collaboration with Lawrence and Wishart (1936, London) and International Publishers (1924, New York City).

Volume Marx Engels Period Pub. Date Major Contents
≣ 1 1835-1843 1975 Early writings of Marx, including doctoral dissertation The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature
≣ 2 1838-1842 1975 Early writings of Engels
≣ 3 1843-1844 1975 Early writings of both, including the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
≣ 4 1844-1845 1975 The Holy Family, The Condition of the Working Class in England
≣ 5 1845-1847 1976 The German Ideology, Theses on Feuerbach[1]
≣ 6 1845-1848 1976 The Communist Manifesto, The Poverty of Philosophy, Principles of Communism[2]
≣ 7 1848 1977 Articles for Neue Rheinische Zeitung
≣ 8 1848-1849 1977
≣ 9 1849 1977
≣10 1849-1851 1978 The Class Struggles in France 1848–1850, The Peasant War in Germany[3]
≣11 1851-1853 1979 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany[4]
≣12 1853-1854 1979 Newspaper articles concerning global politics and other writings, including The Civil War in the United States[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
≣13 1854-1855 1980
≣14 1855-1856 1980
≣15 1856-1858 1986
≣16 1858-1860 1980
≣17 1859-1860 1981
≣18 1857-1862 1982
≣19 1861-1864 1984
≣20 1864-1868 1985 Articles and writings concerning the First International, Value, Price and Profit (V. 20)[13][14][15][16]
≣21 1867-1870 1985
≣22 1870-1871 1986
≣23 1871-1874 1988
≣24 1874-1883 1989 Critique of the Gotha Program, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific[17]
≣25 1987 Anti-Dühring, Dialectics of Nature[18]
≣26 1882-1889 1990 Origin of the Family, Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy[19]
≣27 1890-1895 1990 Late political writings of Engels[20]
≣28 1857-1861 1986 Grundrisse, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy[21][22]
≣29 1857-1861 1987
≣30 1861-1863 1988 Economic Manuscripts of 1861–1863, which includes Theories of Surplus Value[23][24][25][26][27]
≣31 1861-1863 1989
≣32 1861-1863 1989
≣33 1861-1863 1991
≣34 1861-1864 1994
≣35 1996 Capital, Volume I[28]
≣36 1997 Capital, Volume II[29]
≣37 1998 Capital, Volume III[30]
≣38 1844-1851 1982 Letters[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]
≣39 1852-1855 1983
≣40 1856-1859 1983
≣41 1860-1864 1985
≣42 1864-1868 1987
[[1]] 1868-1870 1988
≣44 1870-1873 1989
≣45 1874-1879 1991
≣46 1880-1883 1992
≣47 1883-1886 1995
≣48 1887-1890 2001
≣49 1890-1892 2001
≣50 1892-1895 2004


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